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flag aSc Raspored sati - Printout designs

Design object properties
Ovaj članak je dostupan na: gb.gif sk.gif de.gif es.gif fr.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif il.gif bg.gif

Each object in the design can have text, borders, backround and pictures:

Please note that the text allows you to define replacable parts. So instead of creating design for each class with hardcoded class's name, you can create one design with text the includes {Class:Name}. This part will be replaced with actual class's name during the printout.

You do not have to care about the format, rather use two buttons below the text field. These shows your custom fields. Double click in the custom fields dialog and the corresponding field will be stored to your text.

You can combine normal text with custom fields in one text object.

You can also specify the text alignment by clickin on one of the 9 positions in the control below the text field.

Note: the browsed picture file will be copied to the designs directory, so that everything you need is located in one design folder.

See also:
Custom fields

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