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flag aSc TimeTables Online - Temas principales

How can I add teachers to TimeTables Online database
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Each teacher who wants to view timetable has to have his password.

When you want to send timetable to a teacher that is not yet in the timetables online database, the software will automatically show you a possibility to add this teacher:

Click button Add. This will show you a dialog where you have two options:

Link to existong

You can link this teacher from timetables to some of the already existing online accounts. This can happen when you for example accidentally delete a teacher from timetable, then you add him back in the new timetable. This teacher already had account(from the first timetable) but now you need to tell the software it is the same person as in the first timetable.

Create new account

If you added a new teacher into your timetable file that has no previous account

- if something went wrong and you linked teacher to wrong account. You can use the link "Check links" to unlink the timetable teachers from online accounts.
- the same steps can be done before publishing of the timetable for online viewing
- you can also use Control Panel -> School data dialog to add teacher to timetables online:

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