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flag aSc TimeTables Online - =Electronic class book

How can I use electronic class register? (teacher)
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To use your school's electronic class register, open your school's class register web page, input your username and password and click "Login".

Now you should see today's daily plan of your lessons. To input curriculum for your lessons, simply click in "Curriculum" field, type the text and press Enter to save inputted value.

Note: you can switch to different day with green arrows on the top of the page, or with calendar on the right.

If your school is using also Student attendance, you can input absent students by clicking in "Absent" field. New window will open where you mark absent students by clicking on icons on the left.

Click OK to save absent teachers.

There are additional options hidden under menu button on the right side:

Note, Homework, ... - enable additional fields for current lesson
History - see history of the lesson (past curriculum entries,...)
Events - here you can manage events (e.g. exams) related to the lesson

See also:
Daily plan - fields
School events

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