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flag aSc TimeTables - Importing

Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
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1. Open your excel file and select the data, press CTRL-C:

You can use this excel file for tests, or you can add your data into this excel file. If you keep the column names, the software can recognize the columns automatically.

2. Open timetables and open your timetable file or create a new one. Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard.

3. Select "Students" and "First row contains...":

4. Press Import.

- if your timetable already contains students classes, courses the import will try to match them. If the corresponding object is not found, the import creates it.
- you can click on column headers in case your excel has different column names

See also:
Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2

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