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Import from SchiLD

It is possible to import following data from SchiLD: teachers, classes, subjects, students. Steps:

1) Export data from SchiLD to new directory. Start SchiLD, go to menu Datenaustausch/Schnittstelle SchiLD-NRW/Export.
2) In aSc Timetables, create new blank timetable (or open your existing timetable).
3) In aSc Timetables, start import, menu File/Import/SchiLD
4) Choose the directory with exported data from step 1.
5) Click OK in following dialogs, or make some adjustments if you need. See also: Duomenų sinchronizavimas su duomenų baze

- Import from SchiLD will fill class, teacher and subject codes for ASDPC with "Statistik Kurzung/Bezeichnug" fields from SchiLD.

Export to ASDPC (uvd.txt)

You can create uvd.txt file from timetable. This file can be then imported into ASDPC. Steps:

1) Go to menu File/Export/ASDPC and choose Export vorbereiten. After that, aSc Timetables prepares fields, where you can fill correct class, teacher and subject codes. These codes will be pre-filled with short-name of corresponding object (or with Statistik Kurzung/Bezeichnug from SchiLD).

2) Now, fill correct class, teacher and subject codes in custom fields for classes, teachers and subjects. See this page on how to work with custom fields: Vartotojo sukurti laukai . Custom fields will be already created, you need only to change them to correct values.

Here is what official documentation on uvd.txt says about these codes:

Class - (Custom field name: ASDPC Klasse)
Bezeichnung der Klasse oder des Jahrgangs (Differenzierung/Oberstufe). Dabei gelten die Statistiknormen. Also 01A für 1a, oder 12 für einen Kurs in der Jahrgangsstufe 12.
Text (3 Zeichen)

Teacher - (Custom field name: ASDPC LID)
Kürzel des unterrichtenden Lehrers, sollte dem Kürzel in der LID entsprechen, sonst müssen nach dem Import Anpassungen vorgenommen werden.
Text (4 Zeichen)

Subject - (Custom field name: ASDPC Fach)
Fachkürzel des Unterrichts. Schlüssel können in ASDPC über den Punkt „Schlüssel drucken“ für Ihre jeweilige Schulform ausgedruckt werden
Text (2 Zeichen)

3) Fill student count for classes and groups in classes.

4) Now you can export to uvd.txt. Go to menu/Export/ASDPC, choose directory and click OK.

5) Import uvd.txt into ASDPC and check whether data is correct.

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