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Email and SMS notification
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Timetables Online users:
See this help topic:
How can I send email/SMS substitution notifications

Users using Edupage without Timetables Online:
aSc Substitutions now allows you to send email or SMS notifications to teachers to let them know what they have to substitute.

1. Setup emails or phone numbers.
Go to section teachers, double click on teacher and fill in the phone or email:

2. Publish the substitutions.
In section print, press button Publish:

More on publishing the daily substitutions can be found here:
Publishing substitution on EduPage

3. Select who will be notified.
After publishing a webpage is shown. Mark the teachers that you want to send email or sms and press button "Send messages":

4. Sending
While sending a progress is shown where you can see which email or SMS messages were shown:

After all messages, press button "Show the substitutions". This will bring you to the webpages with your substitutions.

See also:
Email/SMS history

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