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Swapping teachers (A <- B <- C)
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Lets say teachers A is missing.

You want teacher B to substitute his lesson. However teachers B already has lesson, but this lesson shall be substituted by teacher C who has free time.

In other words instead of

A <- C

you want

A <- B <- C

How to do this:
1. Input teacher A is missing. Software suggest C can do his lesson:

2. Instead of selecting teacher C, press RIGHT mouse button on lesson of teacher B. This will allow you to change the lesson of teacher B. Select that it will be done by teacher C (so that B is free):

3. Now B is free and you can put him to substitute lesson of teacher A:

- if for any reason you want to change lesson of teacher B, simply click on the line B->C and use the minus sign to delete this change. It is then reverted back to original status:

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