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flag aSc Raspored sati - Data input - Bells/Breaks

We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution1)
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There are some schools that use different recess times for various parts of school, e.g. one recess times for Elementary and other for High school. In aScTimetables you can input only one recess times (called Bells), but this situation can be in most cases handled quite easily with small trick: You have to input your recess not as recess in Bells (menu - Options - Settings - Bell), but as additional period in timetable, which will be disabled using Time-off for classes. Typical situation is like this:

1 8:00-8:45
2 8:50-9:35
3 9:40-10:25
4 10:30-11:15
Break 11:20-11:45
5 11:45-12:35
6 12:40-13:25
7 13:35-14:15

1 8:00-8:45
2 8:50-9:35
3 9:40-10:25
4 10:30-11:15
5 11:20-12:05
Break 12:05-12:35
6 12:40-13:25
7 13:35-14:15

You can handle this situation by adding new period and setting bell times like this:

1 8:00-8:45
2 8:50-9:35
3 9:40-10:25
4 10:30-11:15
5 11:20-12:05
6 11:45-12:35
7 12:40-13:25
8 13:35-14:15

Then you have to disable period 5 for Elementary classes and period 6 for High classes. So now recess is inputted as disabled period.

This solution solves problem for classes, but there is still problem with teachers who teach in both parts of school. Times for periods 5 and 6 overlap, so teacher can't teach both of these periods on the same day. You can handle this by creating advanced card relationship:
Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6

Note: If this solution is not suitable for your school, please contact us, give us more details about your situation and we may give you further help.

See also:
We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution 2)

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