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Custom views will allow you to effectively divide the timetable into smaller and more easily readable parts.

For example you can display classes 5.A - 5.D in one view.

Defining views

The Whole basic view, which displays the complete timetable, is always available for each timetable.

You can define your views from menu View/Define:

After clicking on the New or Edit option you can edit view's properties:

Enter which days will be displayed as well as the number of lessons per day. Specify the number of lessons including the zero lessons. Then select classes or teachers you want to see in this view.

Switching between views

You can switch the views using the combobox on the toolbar:

Note: you can also print the custom view. This is handy when you want to print only some teachers or only one day etc:

See also:
Changing the look of the timetable on the screen

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