The most visited topics:
aSc Horaires - Généralités - Download & Installation aSc Horaires - Data input - Days/Weeks - How can I define weeks? aSc TimeTables Online - Main topics - aSc TimeTables Online - Features aSc Horaires - Entrée de données - Grille de cours - Vue d'ensemble de grille de cours aSc Horaires - Testing the timetable - Test says there is some problem. What next? aSc Horaires - Importing - Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel) aSc Horaires - Constraints - Subjects - Distribution of subject over the week aSc Horaires - Data input - Lessons - Adding and Editing a lesson aSc Remplacement - Généralités - What is aSc Substitution software good for? aSc TimeTables Online - Other - Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...) aSc Horaires - Génération d´horaires - Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints. aSc TimeTables Online - Other - Mobile version of Online Timetables aSc Horaires - Généralités - How to set Regional and Language options aSc Horaires - Généralités - How to register the software? aSc Horaires - First steps - Subjects aSc Horaires - Verification - Verification of timetable aSc Horaires - Constraints - Subjects - Modifying the default card distribution per week for one subject aSc Horaires - Exporting/Publishing - Export to XML aSc Horaires - Importing - Import from XML aSc Horaires - First steps - Teachers |