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How can I check, edit student's attendance?
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We have created section for simply administration the student's attendance. It's possible for the class teacher / administrator. You can acces this section by logging in the system an chooseing Attendance from the upper menu bar.

Class selection is possible from the drop-down button. There are the classes there of you are the class teacher. In case an administrator all classes are shown.

Week selection is possible from the calendar's button. Then you choose a day and the corresponding week will be set.

Lessons selection is possible like selecting files in your computer. Just click on the lesson and use the Ctrl and Shift keys pressed.

There are special cells, that select's more lessons at once:
-Student's name selects whole week for the student.
-Name of the day selects whole day for every student.
-Period's name selects whole period for every student.
-Left upper corner cells selects whole table.
By clicking on these cells you can use the "Ctrl" key pressed.

Options for selected lessons
The option list you can acces by right-click on the selected lessons.
-Student's presence opens more options to set student presence on the lessons.
-Reason of the absence opens more options to set specific reason, if the student was absent.
-Reason of delay opens more options to set specific reason, if the student was late.
-Clear selection clears the selection in table.

The next options are allowed only for single lesson selected:
-Edit opens a new window where you can specify student's presence.
-Record's history opens new window with table of records, who, when and how change the student's presence.

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