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flag aSc Stundenpläne - Begrenzungen - Klassen

Class can have max 2 gaps per day
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By default the software will not create gap for the students. The software will calculate the average number of lessons per day and then it places them consecutively.

However if you need to have gaps, you can set "discontinius" teaching block. Or you can say that some subjects can be in the afternoon.

Then you can add this cardrelationship to minimize the created gaps:

- this topic is for longer gaps, if you just need one lesson free for lunch you can do this directly:
Wie kann man einstellen, wann die Klasse die Mittagspause haben darf?
- the same cardrelationship can be setup for students:
Student can have max 3 gaps per day

See also:
How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?

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