TimeTables - Online Help
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In Timetables Online it is possible to create various "Events". Event is similar to normal lesson from timetable: it can have subject, class, teacher, classroom, etc. Basic difference between lesson from timetable and event is that in timetable lessons repeat each week (e.g. every Wednesday), but event occurs only on single calendar day (e.g. October 27th 2011). You can use events to input:

- Exam dates for subjects.
- Meetings of teachers.
- Afternoon lessons.

You can access "Events" function from multiple places:
1) Teachers can click on "Events" button in their Dashboard. This will display all events on the school for given date.
2) In drop down menu to the right side of lesson in Daily plan. This will display all events related to the class from the lesson for current school year.
3) Administrator can click on "Events" module in Control panel.

Working with events
To create new event, click on "New event" button. The dialog will appear where you can specify various parameters for event:

- Date
- Time - you can create event for one date (all day), for specific period from timetable, or for custom interval (custom).
- Name - give a name to the event, like "Final exam"
- Type - specify (optional) type of the event
- Note - you can write various notes here.
- Subject, Classes, Teachers, Classrooms

When you select some classes, teachers or classrooms for the event, you will see their timetable in bottom part of the dialog.

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