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With digital screen you can create electronic noticeboard for your school, which you can display on a monitor in school's hall. You can show today's timetable, substitution and other information on the screen.

You can acces the administration to this module from Control panel/Special pages then click on the Screen settings.

Then several options are available.

It will be displayed on the very top bar. You may set it as moving.

There is an option to set color of the header and color of the message. Simply click on the button and choose a color.

Set the access to all screens, choose from these options:
-Administrator only - no other user or unlogged user will be able to see it
-Logged teacher - only administrator and teacher, no other user will be able to see it
-Password - to open screen from some computer, you will be prompted to input password. The password will be remembered in a browser cookie, so you do not need to input it next time you open noticeboard from that computer.
-Only these IP addresses - write down the exact IP addresses from which the screen should be accessible, separated by comma.

School logo
You may upload your own logo for screen. Just choose an image from your computer and click upload.

Creating new screen
There is a table of created screens, and action buttons on the bottom. To create a new one, click New Record and type the internal name, that would be the most clear for you. You may also set the header, or do that later. The most important is to choose the type, described below.

Once a screen is created, you can customize it. Select a row and click Edit.

It will show the actual summary timetable. In the header field, you may add an actual date by clicking the add date button. You may organize in how many columns it will be displayed and where the columns will appear - side by side or rotating. You may change texts and colors by clicking the advanced settings button.

This will show actual substitution. The first settings block is similar to the settings in timetable type. There are advanced settings.
-day: substitution for today or for tomorrow
-sort by: primary sorts the substitution table according to your setting
-Teacher's names: display whole names or short
-Show: show/hide additional informations about who is missing, etc.

The combined type is designed to join other types. Just check the checkbox near each type you want to display. You may optionaly set it a width. You may also write a common header, each type will be displayed with it's own header.

Bell Times
Shows the informations about bell times. The actual period will be selected. If display clock option is checked, then the actual time will be displayed in sufficient size with the time left to the next bell.

Show a screen
To show screen, click on the Show button. It will open a new window in your browser. Then just copy and paste the address or move the browser window to the display you have in the hall.

Enabling a screen
When you are done with some screens, you need to enable it by clicking the button. If a screen is not enabled, then it will be not shown, only you can preview it.

Autostart presentation on a computer in full screen mode
It is possible to configure computer to automatically open screen on startup. Here are example instruction to setup this using Google Chrome on Windows PC:

- Configure screen protection to "Password" and define screen's password.
- Click "Show" to open your screen. Remember URL address of the screen.
- Now go to other computer where you want to run noticeboard, open Google Chrome and enter the URL. System will ask you for screen's password (please make sure that you are logged out from Edupage before this). Input screen's password and you should see presentation on the screen.
- in "Start" menu - "All programs" - "Startup" create a shortcut to chrome browser.
For Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 please follow the instructions on the internet (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/faq/id-2080296/add-programs-startup-windows.html or http://www.howtogeek.com/208224/how-to-add-programs-files-and-folders-to-system-startup-in-windows-8.1/).
Now right click on that shortcut, choose Properties. In "Target" field append these options after ...chrome.exe:

C:....chrome.exe --kiosk [your screen's url]

Click OK. Now when you restart the computer, you should see presentation in fullscreen.

Note: You can configure running screen from a different computer. Screen automatically checks for changes every 60 seconds and refreshes when needed.

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