aSc TimeTables Online - Other This article is available in: Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)
With Timetables Online you can add events from your school's daily plan to your calendar application. You can find this function after you login as teacher in "Settings" - "Other" - "My profile": iCalendar file (ICS) Better solution is to use Webcal. Webcal Hint: If your computer is properly configured to handle "webcal://" links, simply click on "Webcal" text to the left of the address to open it in your calendar application. Add calendar to iPhone/iPad Notes: Refreshing - It takes some time till changes to calendar are transferred from Timetables Online to your calendar application. To speed-up this process for recent changes, you can click on "Refresh" button. This will immediately regenerate your Webcal calendar data in Timetables Online. But this button will not force your calendar application to re-read the data immediately. Please refer to documentation of your calendar application how to force re-read of the calendar data from Webcal calendar. Date range - Calendar is always generated for past 7 days, today and future 30 days.
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