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flag aSc TimeTables Online - Electronic class register

How to schedule a meeting of teachers
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You can schedule a meeting of teachers with "School Events" function.

School events

- Open events dialog and switch to desired date.
- Click "New event"
- Select "Type: Meeting of teachers"
- Click on "More" button to the right of "Teachers". This will open teachers selection dialog.
- Select teachers. If you are scheduling your meeting with another teacher, do not forget to select also your name.
- Click OK in teachers selection dialog.
- Now you should see timetables of all selected teachers in the bottom part of the dialog. It should be easy to visually pick time, when all teachers are free. If you can not find common free time, you can try switching to another day with buttons near "Date" field.
- When you find acceptable time, select it in "Time" field. You can select time based on periods, or pick "Time range" to input any time (use 24 hour notation).
- Click OK.

Additional options:
- You can also input "Name" of the event.
- If you want to find free classroom for the meeting, click on "Choose classroom". Select classroom with green arrow near classroom's name.

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