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flag aSc TimeTables Online - Temas principales

How can I configure weeks and terms in published timetable
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You can do that in Edupage - Timetable Administration - Edit.

In "Week" field select the week number from timetable that should be valid on the first calendar date (Valid from). This week number will be valid till end of calendar week and then it will automatically switch to the next week number. In case of 2 week timetable week numbers will alternate every calendar week. This includes also weeks with holidays. So in case you have a 1 week holidays during your school year, weeks will alternate also during holiday week and continue with the same week number as there was before holidays. If you want to continue with the other week after holidays, you have to add a change (see below).

In "Term" field select the term number that should be valid on the first date. This term number will stay valid till "Valid to" date. If the term number should change during validity of the timetable, you have to add a change (see below).

Changes during validity of the timetable

If you want to add change, click on "Add change" button at the bottom. In the first field select a date of the change. In the second field select type of the change (Week or Term). In the third field select desired week/term number that should be valid on the selected date. After that weeks will continue to alternate and term will stay the same till "Valid to" date.

Note: You can have multiple changes during validity of the timetable.

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