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What’s new in version 2016
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New Advisor
The new advisor will look at your timetable and list the issues we think that might help you move forward. The software will find and warn you about critical issues that need to be fixed before the generation. But the advisor will also display suggestions to avoid potential problems and to show you how to input certain situations.

New wizard that helps with the setup of the new timetable
We have added new tabs to the initial wizard to help users setup their schedule. It asks some basic questions about your school, and will then customize the software options to better suit your school.

New dialog for managing student’s choices
The revamped dialog will help you in case you want to manually fine-tune individual schedules of students. You can move student to different section or ask the software to provide some suggestions for alternative courses.

New generator options for student based timetables
We have also added new card relationships that will help further with grouping sections. For example teacher can teach two different subjects at the same lesson if there are very few students signed in, or some kids can have more lessons per week of the same course then others etc.

Expanded design possibilities.
It is now possible to define more colors, padding, backgrounds for the printouts and more.

Substitution online application now available
The online substitution application runs in browser, so you can use it from any computer/tablet in your school of from home. Also it allows more people to work at the same time. You can decide which application you want to use either online or PC/MAC based aSc Substitutions, both are available.

New modules in the mobile application
The mobile application now handles teaching plans, lesson preparations, the teachers can assign tests, kids do do online tests directly on their mobiles, it is possible to view payments and more.

You can download it from:

And as usual many smaller fixes and improvements.

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