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5A has to have Biology right before or after biology in 5B (the two classes have to have biology lesson on consecutive periods)
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You will need to input two cardrelationships for this:

1. First specify that there shall not be a gap between lessons from certain group.
Select subjects, classes and "apply globaly":

2. However the above rule will consider as a gap only a space between the two lessons on the same day. So if Biology is on different days in 5A and 5B the software doesn't consider this as a gap. So you will need to add second cardrelationship that will force the lessons into the same day(s):

So if you have 3 biology lessons per week in 1A and 3 biology lessons in 1B you will simply request that both 5A and 5B have biology lessons on 3 days. Thus the biology lesson will be in both classes on the same day.

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