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What is aSc Substitution software good for?
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aSc Substitutions module is a perfect companion to aSc TimeTables:

Once you create your schedule in aSc Timetables, you can take the resulting timetable and use it to manage your daily substitutions.

Here is the simplified description of what the software can help you with and how it works:

1. First you specify which timetable is the final one (the one your school is using).

2. Every day you enter which teachers are missing (if any)

3. The software will show you which lessons have a missing teacher and so need to be substituted.

4. For each such a lesson you can specify the teacher that will replace the missing teacher. The software will show you suitable candidates. These are selected based on many criteria that you can fine tune to suit your needs.

5. Once the substitutions are assigned, you can print daily reports as well as monthly summaries of absences and substitutions.

You can start with this topic:
Substitutions - Quick overview

The PDF version of this manual can be found here:
Substitution PDF manual

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