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Spreading lessons on different periods each day
Ovaj članak je dostupan na: gb.gif sk.gif de.gif es.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif bg.gif

Question: How can I distribute e.g. 5 math lessons over the week so that they are on different periods each day. I don't want all the math lessons to be at first period each day.

You can use advanced card relationship. Go to menu Specification/Card relationships/Advanced.
- select type "Max days with lesson on the same period".
- choose "1" in combobox below.
- choose "Apply to selected subjects in selected classes".
- select "Classes" where you want to apply this constraint (or leave it as "All classes")
- select "Subjects" Math (or more subjects).

This will ensure that there is max 1 Math (or some other selected subject) on each period.

The above picture actually shows two subjects in that card relationships. However since we have specified "Apply to selected subjects in selected classes" then each subject is treated separatelly in each class. So you only need to define one cardrelationship to tell that there shall be only one math lesson and only one English lesson on each period during the week.

- usualy this relationship is not needed. In the complicated schedules the lessons will be totaly random in your timetable.
- this relationship can easily kill your timetable if used inproperly. You shall only add it when necessary, for example when previous generations tend to put some lesson on the same position over the week.
- also you might consider specifying "Max 2" on each period. This is easier to generate and will in most cases do the job.

See also:
Specify how many lessons shall be before certain position

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