Ovaj članak je dostupan na: You may activate the function "related timetables" in menu View - Related timetables. You may use the shortkey Ctrl+R. A new lightgrey panel will display above the timetables:: This panel shows timetables related to the card you are currently holding. You can place the card directly into panel related timetables. After placing this card the timetables related to this last card stays displayed. It is possible to take the card to your hand also from the related timetables. You can set the maximum number of related timetable row in menu View/Related timetables. Note: By holding SHIFT key you can display timetables related to the card under the cursor or under the currently held card. Note 2: It is possible to lock some rows in related timetables by clicking on row header. Locked rows will stay there even if they are not related to current card.
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