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How to specify a timetable so that the substitution software knows which one we are using at our school?
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The substitution software needs to know which timetable is the one you are using. Based on that timetable it can tell you what lessons the absent teacher was supposed to teacher and which teachers are free to do the substitution at that time.

So when you click the button to add Absent teacher and the timetable was not yet specified, the software will ask you to specify the timetable. First you need to specify when your school year starts:

Then the following dialog displays:

Type a name for your timetable. This name is only information for you.

Click button Select TimeTable and locate your timetable file you have created in aSc TimeTables.

Click OK. Now the substitution software knows the timetable you are using at your school.
See also:
Our timetable has changed during the school year. How to tell it to the substitution software?

In version 2010 and before:
After you create a timetable in aSc TimeTables you have to instruct Substitution software so that it knows which timetable you are using.

Click the bell icon and then plus sign:

Note: if you are adding the first timetable, you will also need to specify a start of the school year.

Then the following dialog displays:

Type a name for your timetable. This name is only information for you.

Click button Select TimeTable and locate your timetable file you have created in aSc TimeTables.

Click OK and you will see your timetable in the list of timetables:

Note: The software also shows you when the timetable is valid. For the first timetable this is always from start of the school year to the last day of your school year.

See also:
Inputting absent teachers
Our timetable has changed during the school year. How to tell it to the substitution software?

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