الجداول المدرسية - صفحة المساعدة
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flag aSc الجداول المدرسية - Constraints - Subjects

I need subject Math to be on the same position in classes 5.A and 5.B
هذا المقال متوفر حسب اللغات التالية : gb.gif sk.gif de.gif es.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif bg.gif

Please go to menu - Specification/Card relationships/Add.
Use card relationship: "The selected subjects have to be at the same time in all selected classes."
See picture:


1) For 5C+5D, you will need to specify another card relationship.

2) If you want this constraint also for English lessons, you will also need to create another card relationship. That is, you will have one card relationship for Math and one for English. (If you select two subjects in single cardrelationsip, it has different meaning, see 3)

3) It is also possible to say that two (or more) subjects must be on the same positions in 5.A and 5.B:

See also:
Groups have to start at the same time

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تمت مشاهدة هذا المقال 115915 مرة69235 / 115915

المقال السابق الرجوع الى صفحة المساعدة لدى aSc المقال التالي