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flag aSc الجداول المدرسية - Printout designs

How can I modify the print-out design?
هذا المقال متوفر حسب اللغات التالية : gb.gif sk.gif de.gif es.gif fr.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif il.gif bg.gif

Just press right mouse button in Print preview and select Edit design:

You will immediatelly see the current design in Edit mode. Each object in the design is displayed in blue rectangle:

You can:

1. Click to select an object and drag it to another location

2. Use the red track points to resize the object

3. Double click on any object to Edit properties of this object. See: Design object properties

4. Press right mouse button and select Add object to add a new object to your design. The new field is added to the top left corner and you can immediatelly edit the properties of this new object.

5. Press right mouse button and select Remove object to remove the object.

6. Press right mouse button and select Send to background. This will display all other objects above this one.

If you press right button over the timetable itself, you have another option TimeTable properties that allows you to change the look of the timetable as described in: Customizing printouts

Once you are happy with your changes you can press right mouse button and either Save changes or Cancel changes

- each design is represented by it's name. So for example if you change design named 'Our super cool design', then all classes/teachers(also in other timetables) that are using 'Our super cool design' will be displayed with the changes you've made. So if you only want to change the design for one class only, then create a copy 'Super cool desing for 5.A' and change this copy.

- the actual desings are not saved into your timetable file. So if you want to use design on another PC you first have to copy the folder c:\timetables\designs\our cool design to the other computer before printing.

See also:
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