TimeTables - Online Help
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By means of the right mouse button you can quickly select the most frequently used functions for the object you click on. After you click on a certain object with the right mouse button, the program will offer you a menu with possible operations for that particular object. Contents of the local menu depends on whether the cursor is placed on a card or not.

Clicking the right mouse button on a placed card

In the popup menu you can:
1. Remove the card.
2. Lock/unlock the card.
3. Info - displays an verification window with information if there is some problem with this card only. This is the same as menu Timetable/verification, only it will show the errors related to this card only.
4. Deletes the row.
5. Classroom - Here you can select one of available classrooms for this card - it will be placed in selectd classroom. Detailed description please find here Working with classrooms .
6. View the timetable of related teacher/subject/class
7. In menu other you can lock/unlock teacher.
8. Edit this lesson or time-off of related teacher/subject/class.

Clicking the right mouse button on a free position

The program will automatically offer the list of cards that can be placed on the position.

See also:
Right mouse click on row headers

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