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It is possible to export aSc Timetables data into LUSD.

New export
(you need aSc Timetables version 2009.8.3 or later for new export)


1) Install GnuPG
Data transfer between LUSD and aSc Timetables is encrypted. You need to install encryption software GnuPG for it to work. You can donwload it from here:
Download GnuPG classic v. 1.4.18 from GnuPG download page
We recommend installing GnuPG software into default installation directory offered during setup.

2) Export data from LUSD
In LUSD export Stammdatenelemente for aSc Timetables.

3) Import or link data to aSc Timetables
In aSc Timetables, open your timetable file. If you don't have timetable yet, just create new blank file (menu - Datei - Neu).
With your timetable file opened, choose menu - Datei - Import - LUSD - LUSD Basisdaten. In Open file dialog, choose the file you obtained in step 2. Then you will see series of dialog windows showing differences between LUSD data and aSc Timetables. Choose appropriate action for each item. If you already had some data in your timetable, you need to properly link it to LUSD data. Each teacher, class, subject, classroom and student in aSc Timetables must be linked to corresponding item in LUSD. If there are some new items in LUSD that are not in aSc Timetables (as in case you have started from blank file), you can choose "Hinzufugen" to add them into aSc Timetables.
Here you can find some more help about these synchronization dialogs: Synchronizácia s databázou

Note: You need to repeat steps 2 and 3 each time there is some change in Basisdaten in LUSD (e.g. new teacher was added in LUSD).

4) Fill LUSD specific data
You need to fill 3 LUSD specific fields for all lessons. Go to menu - Eingabe - Klassen - Stunden - Benutzerdefiniertes Feld. Here you can input Art, Differenzierung and Options. Use "<<" and ">>" buttons to switch between lessons.

5) Export data to LUSD
When your timetable is finished, you have linked Basisdaten with LUSD and filled all LUSD specific data, you can export timetable to LUSD. Choose menu - Datei - Exportieren - LUSD - LUSD Stundenplan. Select some file for export. Then in LUSD choose import Stundenplan and select this file.

Note: It is also possible to export your data into LusdPlaner. Before that you need still to go through steps 2 and 3 from above process. Then choose menu - Datei - Exportieren - LUSD - LUSDPlaner. Then start LUSDPlaner and choose menu - Datenanstand - Importieren - Stundenplan.
Note - you need to use unecrypted XML data format.

Old export


1) First, prepare your timetable for LUSD export. Go to menu File/Export/LUSD and choose "Prepare" option:

2) Now, program has created LUSD ID codes in custom fields for classes, teachers, subjects and classrooms. These ID codes were pre-filled with short name of corresponding object. If your short names are not correct for LUSD, you may need to make some adjustments. Just change custom field called "LUSD ID" in classes, teachers, subjects and classrooms:

3) Fill student count for classes and groups in classes:

4) Export the result to LUSD. Go to menu File/Export/LUSD, choose directory and click OK:

See also:
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