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I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
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You can specify that some subjects must be on the same period every day.

Just add a card relationship that says 'Subject must be on the same period each day':

Note: if you specify more subjects, for example Math and English, then Math lessons will always be on 2nd period and English lessons will always be on 4th period.

Advanced usage: In some cases you might need to use the advanced cardrelationship. For example if class has 2 English lessons with teacher A and 3 English conversation lessons with teacher B and you want both subjects to be on the same period each day. The usage of the advanced cardrelationships is as follows:

Please go to "menu - Specification - Relations - Advanced" and input:

- Max different period numbers per week
- 1 (see note below)
- Apply to selected subjects in selected classes
Select subject Math.
Optionally you can select also classes (if you want this constraint to apply only on certain classes).

Note: This field should contain lesson length in periods. If you want to have this constraint for a subject that is scheduled as double lessons, input 2 instead of 1.

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