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This topic is for IT personnel of your school. It requires basic software programming skills.

Please see this topic for simpler way of exporting data from aSc Timetables:
Môžem exportovať do MS Excelu hodiny, učiteľov, či predmety?

See also:
Export je obmedzený na maximálne 10 kariet/hodín
Import from XML
Integration with SIS systems

aSc Timetables can export data into "aSc Timetables XML" file. There are 3 types of export

1) Default export - exports only basic data
2) Configured export - here you can configure what will be exported.
3) Combined import/export file.

Default export
You can do default XML export from aSc Timetables by invoking command menu - File - Export - aSc Timetables 2012 XML. Select destination for export and click OK. Program will export timetable data in default data structure. This default data structure is similar to internal structure of aSc Timetables. It contains only a basic data. Also all ids used in this export are just Random internal IDs. These ids may change over the lifetime of timetable (they are not persistent, they can change e.g. when users add/remove some objects from timetable or change their values).

If you need to export some additional data not present in default export, you need to use configured export:

Configured export
For configured export, you need XML export configuration file. This file contains description of data structure in which you want to get data exported from aSc Timetables. It can also include your "idprefix:" option, so you will get your ids exported instead of internal ids (if the data were originally imported from your system).

Export configuration files are stored in C:/TimeTables/template/xmlexport directory. To invoke configured export, go to menu - File - Export - Name of your export (displayname).

You can find sample export configuration file here:


This is just a sample. You can choose any tables/columns you wish. Don’t forget to configure idprefix option (if you need to get your ids). Also fill displayname (=name of menu item in aSc Timetables export menu) and displaycountries (=comma separated list of Internet country codes). Rename the file to “program_cc.xml”, where “program” is name of your software and cc is country code of your country. When you have this file finished, email it to us and we will include it in standard installation of aSc Timetables.

Note: XML export configuration file is something like "blank database". It contains only tables and column definitions, but usually there is no data in these tables.

Please see Import from XML on how to enhance XML file with new tables/columns.

Creating combined XML import + XML export configuration file
It is also possible to combine XML import with XML export. This might be useful e.g. if user is required to input subjects/teachers/classes in your system, but he inputs the lessons in aSc Timetables. In this case you don't need to export subjects/teachers/classes from aSc Timetables. You need just to link subjects/teachers/classes in aSc Timetables to corresponding objects in your system. But you need to export lessons.

You can find instruction how to implement this here.

If you have some questions regarding XML import/export, please write to

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