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flag aSc Rozvrhy - Prispôsobenie tlačových výstupov

How to print DPA, Entry, Lunch, Recess?
Tento článok je preložený: gb.gif es.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif bg.gif

Some schools want the printout to look like this:

If you are one of these schools, please take the following steps:

1. Block the periods:
For each class specify in the timeoff that there is no education at these periods:

2. Once you do this, the software will realize that you want to skip these periods and will not number them in the printouts:

You might have to switch the printouts to display days in columns in case you haven't done so already:
Ako možno tlačiť dni v stĺpcoch a vyučovacie hodiny v riadkoch?

3. Create a printout design for your school:

4. Click right mouse button and choose Edit Design. Then add the text field to the empty fields using right mouse button again:

The new field is added to the topleft corner, move it to the desired position.

5. Double click on it to type the desired text:

You might position the texts, change font sizes maybe add some object with pictures.

See also:
Dizajny tlačových výstupov
Ako možno tlačiť dni v stĺpcoch a vyučovacie hodiny v riadkoch?

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