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What's new in aSc Substitutions 2008
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Dear users

we are happy to release yet another free upgrade to all our registered customers.

The new version of aSc Substitution software brings three main new features:

1. Supervision substitutions
If teacher is missing, you can also specify who will substitute his/her supervisions.

More details here: Supervision substitutions

2. Ability to change any lesson
Clicking on any lesson in the right panel now allows you to change this lesson:

This allows A->B->C exchanges.

3. Email and SMS notification.
It is now possible to publish the substitutions on the internet easily with one button click. This service is hosted by aSc so it doesn't require any web design knowledge:

Also right after the publishing the software provides you the ability to send email or SMS messages to the teachers to notify them on the substitutions they have to make.

More details here:
Email and SMS notification

Note: This functionality is limited in some countries, please feel free to contact us to find more at

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