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I need to move all lessons withing the day
Ovaj članak je dostupan na: gb.gif sk.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif

You have to go to menu Options/Advanced.

Then click button Move lesson.

A dialog appears where you can input two parameters:

1. Choose if you want to move lessons UP or DOWN. UP means lesson 1 will become 2, 2->3 and so on.

2. Lesson number from which you want to move. If you want to move all lessons type 0. If you type for example 3 then lessons 1 and 2 will stay on the same position. However lessons above 3 will move: 3->4, 4->5 and so on. This will essentially create a free lesson on position 3.

Note: the timeoff information for teachers, subjects and classrooms will also be shifted.

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