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Adding more lessons at once
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If many of your teachers/classes have the same or similiar lessons, you can use button Add more and add several lessons at once:

Select the number of lessons that you want to add in the combobox and then each row will represent one lesson.

Press button Add when you are done with lesson input.

Using this dialog has several advantages:

1. After you input your lessons, you can save this lesson group by pressing Save button. The software will ask for a name of this lesson group. Next time you just need to select this name and the same lessons will be added to another class or teacher.

2. You can press SHIFT to modify the whole column at once.

3. Also you can select several lessons in the Lessons dialog, then press 'Add more'. The selected lessons are automatically filled into the dialog. Then use SHIFT to change columns if needed and add the modified lessons to the timetable:

See also:
How can I copy lessons

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