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flag aSc الجداول المدرسية - Customizing printouts

Modifying the structure of the printouts (available in version 2009)
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By default, the software provides the most common report types. For example, Printout for each class, or summary timetable for classes. You can change the look of these reports. However, there might be situations where you need bigger changes. Typical example might be to modify the report for each class or students, so that it doesn’t show days/periods but rather terms/periods. This is very useful for schools that have the same schedule each day during the semester.
In order to create this report, all you need is click Modify Current and change what shall be displayed at the left side:

If you want the same report but periods at the left side and terms at the top, simply swap the contents of the rows and column definition comboboxes.

If you for example have different timetable each day and each semester, you can print a separate paper for each student and each term. Simply specify at the top part what shall be on each page. By default there is one page per student, you can add term in there:

Now, whenever you will select in the main combobox that you want to print timetable for each student, this new modified layout will be used.
Note that you are always changing the current layout. You can press button Set Default layout to get the default values. This will reset all your changes.
Before modifying the layouts, make sure you are editing the correct or nearest report. Theoretically, you can modify the summary timetable of teachers so that it prints one page for each teacher. But you already have such a report in defaults and you will have to no summary then. In this case, it is better to modify the original for each teacher report.

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