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flag aSc Raspored sati - Seminars/Courses

How can I add students
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Before adding students, you have to have classes (grades) inputted:

Then you can go to section Students/Seminars and add your students:

You have two options. You can Add one student and this option will allow you to input also the subjects he has picked:

However, as we will see later, inputting the students picks can be done also for more students at once, so it might be better in the first step input just the name and grade. This can also be done in the second option Add more students :

As a result you will see your new students in the list:

See also:
How can I input students picks
How to create courses for subjects
How to generate timetable with students
The student’s timetable view
Pending students view
Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2

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