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How to download timetable into your mobile phone.

After you purchase aSc Mobile Timetables, you will receive special registration code. Please follow instructions you received with this code to register application and enable this function.

When application is registered, you can export your timetable to view it in your phone. Steps:

1) Open your timetable file

2) click on menu - File - Export - Mobile

3) select a directory on your computer and choose some file name, e.g. "timetable.jar"

4) program will create two files for you:
"timetable.jar" - contains your actual timetable
"timetable.jad" - this file is needed only if you want to publish your timetable on a web page.

5) last step is to install "timetable.jar" into your phone. Please consult your phone's manual on how to install java application into the phone.

Note: You need a Java enabled phone to use aSc Mobile Timetables

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