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How can I send timetable to teachers
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It is easy to send the timetable to your teachers/colleagues.

First you need to upload the timetable to online storage. Here is how you can do it:
How can I save my timetable to online storage

Press button "Send"
Once it is uploaded, you can select it in administration and click button "Email" and choose, if you wish to send your timetable to teachers or students:

Wizard starts. At first select, which timetable you wish to sent.

Choose teachers
In second step, dialogbox appears, where you can select to which teachers you want to send this timetable. You may send it to just a few colleagues for reviews, or for all teachers if you want to show them the final timetable. After selecting the recepients, press Next.

Add teachers
If it is necessary, the software might ask you to create accounts for new teachers. This happens when you are sending email to new teachers that were added to the timetable. You can add these into your aSc TimeTables Online database, simply press Add button besides each teacher.

Once done, click Next.

Input emails
In the fourth step you can edit or add the teacher's emails:

In the final step you can review the recepients and you can also add some comments for them. Once done, press Finish and the software will send emails to teachers.

See also:
How can teacher print his timetable?
How can teacher/student/parent view the timetable
How can I add teachers to TimeTables Online database

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