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How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
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Creating your Timetables online web page is easy. All you need to do is to go to menu: Main/Timetables online:

UserName/name of your webpage
First you can choose the name of your web page. Choose some easy name that will represnt your school. For example "hsberlin" or "gymkrakow". The best is to choose something your students are already familiar with. For example if your school already has webpage www.hsflo.com use hsflo as name.

Besides name, you shall type the password for administrator who can save/email/publish timetables.

In case you loose this password, you can simply request it to be send on to the emails specified bellow.

You shall specify some official school name and also your personal email for faster communication if case you don't have access to official school email.

Please double check your emails so that you can easily recover the password in emergencies.

Once done, simply press Create. Your online timetables account is created.

You can use the username/password to log into it either from web address http://username.edupage.org or from within aSc TimeTables application.

- you have to have the registered version of aSc TimeTables.
- you have to be eligible to use timetables online, timetables online is included for all users in yearly maitenacne fee.

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