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flag aSc TimeTables Online - Temas principales

How can teacher/student/parent view the timetable
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Once the administrator has send the timetable to teacher or has published it as official timetable, each teacher can access it with his name and password.

Simply login to your school timetables online page:

Note: By default students and parents do not need to login, however they only can see the timetables of classes.

The webpage address username and password are all in the email you received from the school administrator or your timetabler. If you forgot this email, you can use button "Forgotten password" to resend it.

Once logged in and select TimeTable:

You can use button on the toolbar to view timetables for teachers, classes, rooms subjects.

The last button allows you to select different timetables in case the school has more timetables:

See also:
How can I print the timetable

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