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Printing different bell times for school sections/days
Tento článok je preložený: gb.gif es.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif bg.gif

By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number.

In case you have diffent bells in some parts of the school or on some days, then you can print the bell time directly on the cards, right click on them in the print preview and select that you want to print the bells on cards:

Then, if the actuall period has different start or end then the value in column header, the periods times are printed:

In class timetable, this can happen when there is different bell times on some day, in teacher's timetable this can happen when the teacher is teaching in school section with different bell times.

See also:
Ako netlačiť niektoré prestávky alebo vyučovacie hodiny v rozvrhu pre určité triedy (učiteľov alebo v sumárnych rozvrhoch)
Máme rôzny čas prestávok v jednotlivých častiach našej školy. Ako to zadať? (Riešenie 2)
Print different bell times for teachers

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Tento článok bol videný 109914 krát.85151 / 109914

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