الجداول المدرسية - صفحة المساعدة
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flag aSc الجداول المدرسية - Constraints - Terms/Weeks

Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms
هذا المقال متوفر حسب اللغات التالية : gb.gif pl.gif ru.gif gr.gif lt.gif bg.gif

For example you have one doulbe lesson of Algebra on week A and one double lesson of Geometry in week B. The software may put them on different days, which is usually not a bad thing.

However if you want them to be on the same time in each week, because teachers might swap kids, you can create this cardrelationship:

Basivally this will say there can be max 2 periods per all weeks. If the lessons are not at the same time, they will need more periods, thus the generator has to put them together.

- if you have just one lesson per week, you need to specify max 1 period per all weeks

See also:
What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?

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المقال السابق الرجوع الى صفحة المساعدة لدى aSc المقال التالي