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Import/Export with CASES21

aSc Timetables can interoperate with CASES 21 system.

Import of base data from CASES21

1) Obtain XML base data file from CASES21 (CASES21 menu "Timetabling - Import/Export Data - Timetabling Export Files - Export Timetable XML Base Data")
2) in aSc Timetables choose "Create new timetable"
3) Go to menu "File - Import - CASES21", choose "Import CASES21 base data"
4) Select XML file from step 1) and click Open
5) You will see sequence of several "Synchronization with database" dialogs. In these dialogs click OK to import all data.
6) After that select menu "File - Save - Save as" and save your timetable file in desired directory.

Here is a list of CASES21 data types and fields and their corresponding types and fields in aSc Timetables.

STUDENTS => Students
StudentID => Number
FirstName Surname => Name
PrefName => N/A
HomeGroup => Class (class is automatically created for each HomeGroup)
Gender => Gender
House => Custom field
Parent1Contact => Custom field
Parent2Contact => Custom field
YearLevel => Custom field
YearLevelRollover => Custom field

ROOMS => Classrooms
RoomID => Short name
Fullname => Name

STAFF => Teachers
StaffID => Short name
FirstName => Name (if TimeTableName is blank) or N/A
Surname => Name (if TimeTableName is blank) or N/A
TimeTableName => Name
TimeFraction => N/A
EmergencyTeacher => Custom field
Phone => Custom field
Mobile => Phone
Email => Email

SUBJECTS => Subjects
SubjectID => Short name
FullName => Name
ShortName => N/A

Export of timetable data to CASES21

1) In aSc Timetables open your timetable file
2) Go to menu "File - Export - CASES 21"
3) Choose "Edit CASES21 specific school fields"
4) Fill "TimeTableID", "Title" and "Name of the School" fields. Click "Close".
5) Again go to menu "File - Export - CASES 21"
6) Choose "Export timetable data XML"
7) Select new file name and click "Save"
8) Now you should have your timetable exported in XML, so you can import this file to CASES21 (CASES21 menu "Timetabling - Import/Export Data - Import XML Schedule Information")

Here is a list of aSc Timetables data types and fields and corresponding types and fields in CASES21

Number => DayID
Name => DayTitle

Number => PeriodID
Short name => PeriodTitle

Subject's short name => SubjectID
Lesson's "ClassNumber" custom field* (see note below) => ClassNumber
Teacher's short name => TeacherID
Classroom's short name => RoomID
Day => DayID
Period => PeriodID

Students of lesson => STUDENT SUBJECTS
Student's number => StudentID
Subject's short name => SubjectID
Lesson's "ClassNumber" custom field* (see note below) => ClassNumber

Note: ClassNumber is stored in custom field of a lesson. During export it is pre-filled in this way:
- for seminar lessons with seminar group number (section number).
- for non-seminar lessons: All lessons for one subject are assigned with class numbers in a sequence 1,2,3...
If needed, you can later edit these numbers in custom fields of lessons and do export again.

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