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Your translation
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Module Your translation is used to translate texts from English into your language or adjust it according to your translation requirements.

Access to the module:
To work with translations you must be logged in as administrator. Make sure you have set the language you want to edit. Then go to menu Customize and open Your translation. (if you do not have this module accessible, please contact us)

Working with the module.

Find text:
In the opened window you can view individual texts. You can use the following buttons:
Show my translations - displays only the text that you have translated using this module.
Show recently used - From the moment when you first run this module, it will monitor the texts you see. For example, if you need to translate any part of the site, close the module and visit these parts. Then reopen module Your translation and this button will show you the last seen texts.
Show untranslated strings - displays all texts in your language that are not yet translated from English.
You can also use the search box . To search write down at least 3 characters of desired word, ID number or more words, it will search for the whole phrases. After entering the word press "Enter" or click Search.

Adjust text:
Select a row in the table to edit. This will open a new window where you can see the original phrase in English, phrase translated into current language (which may be empty) and the box to enter your translation. To delete your translation leave this box empty. After pressing Ok it automatically saves your translation and it will be used on your site immediately.

Post translation:
If you're satisfied with the translation, send us a report about it by pressing Send translation.

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