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If a room can accomodate two classes at the same time, you can input it by creating two "rooms".

For example: if a Gym room can hold two classes, you can imagine it like having two rooms: GymA and GymB:

Then you can input that Physical Education lesson can be in GymA OR GymB:

-you cannot use the original Gym room(because then software can place one lesson in Gym and another at the same time into GymA and third into GymB)
- if you have big class with many students that require the whole Gym, then you have to input that this lessons requires 2 classrooms GymA AND GymB.
الدرس يحتاج المزيد من الغرف الدراسية

See also:
Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 1)

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