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What algorithm do you use in your generator?
aSc Timetables timetable generator uses novel in-house developed algorithm. It is loosely based on backtracking with plenty of heuristics and special data structure optimized for maximum performace. It uses multithreading (one thread per physical core of CPU). Since version 2015 algorithm includes also JIT compiler of constraints.

It is programmed in C++.

Unfortunately we can not disclose more details about the generator, but below you can find some screenshots from development. They are from special application used to test various versions of the generator on a small farm of computers.

Do you offer generator as a service (meaning we provide input data from our system, you generate the timetable without any user interraction and send us data back)?

No, we do not provide this, because this will not work for the users. Timetable is not created by simple click on "magic" Generate button. There are many other steps involved:

- testing the input data
- inputting constraints
- adjusting constraints based on intermediate results
- verification of generated timetable

You simply can not cover all these steps in your system. The proper workflow is as follows:

- You provide input data
- User creates timetable from your data
- User works on the timetable over longer period of time. During this time user saves timetable to our "*.roz" file format.
- User exports data back to your system

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