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flag aSc Horarios - Condiciones - Asignaturas

I have Geography two times per week. It shall not be on consecutive days.
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Select Geography in the subject list and press button "Constraints".

Then change the Default carddistribution over the week to "Ideal/No Consecutiive days":

-if you have this subject 2 times per week it not placed on two consecutive days. So not Mon/Tue, but Mon/Wed or Mon/Thu.
-if the class has this subject 3 times per week it is not placed on 3 consecutive days. So not Mon/Tue/Wed abut Mon/Tue/Thu or Mon/Wed/Fri.
-if the class has this subject 4 or more times per week, this setting has no effect it is the same as Ideal setting. So it will not put these subjects on the same days

See also:
No quiero tener mi geografía el viernes y después el lunes

Distribución de asignatura en la semana

Modifying the default card distribution per week for one subject

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